Monday, June 1, 2015

Pre Furlough Reflections

My last day of work for the 2014-2015 school year was Friday and I've never been more organized for some time off. For the next eight weeks, my main tasks are to volunteer, study counseling stuff, and travel. Ideally, these eight weeks will prove to be both relaxing and fruitful. Fruitfully relaxing. Purposefully chill.

I've chosen three organizations to support during my self-employed summer: a local domestic violence shelter, a crisis maternity home, and my church. The work will include presenting to groups on topics such as children's mental health, teaching skills like relaxation strategies to parents, and supporting staff by consulting on client needs. In all, I expect this work to take about 10 hours a week, depending.

It's been slow getting my ducks in a row but I've already learned a lot about self-promoting and catering to a specific audience. The beauty of it is that I'm relying more on my skills of adaptation and in-the-moment responses more than planning. Planning has always been a strength but being flexible to meet the needs of those I'm around is so vital for counseling. I'm excited to stretch this ability and see what happens as it happens.

Another project I've assigned myself is studying Trauma Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and a collection of other therapy resources. The resource stack is pretty huge, actually. It's hard to find time to read during my regular working hours but I keep finding more interesting topics to check out. Maybe I'll do mini book reviews as I finish things.

The last and most important agenda is self-care. I was reminded last week during small group how little time I've dedicated to self-care in the last two months. We moved houses. I got sick. Work was really busy. The result is that I feel drained and spent, emotionally. It's past time to figure out a new routine in this new place.

It's hard to make time for things that don't accomplish anything other than to bring peace. Walking is great and I do that often because it's good physical exercise. However, my mind needs an intentional clearing out to reset. God and I need time together. My favorite activities include painting/ drawing, writing in a journal, and praying/ meditating. One of my visions for this new house is a designated Quiet Space. I'm picturing a place to kneel, some tactile stuff like a bonsai tree or water, and mood lighting. I get a lot out of sensory activities, symbolism, and active prayer.

Follow along for updates on my real and metaphorical journeys. I expect great things to happen this summer!


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