In my last health update, I talked about macro nutrients. Upon reflection, I think I'm doing really well getting enough protein every day. Yay, me! Now, I just need to remember to eat vegetables. Today, I made cauliflower fried rice and we loved it!
This health update is inspired by the start of summer and
the end of a crazy busy season. We moved. I got sick. Work got hard.
Stress happened. Eating happened. Wine happened. I really need a fresh
start. I'm starting strong, though. I've attended a yoga class weekly
since January. It's the best New Year's Resolution I've ever made. And for the month of May, Matthew's been going with me and it's like getting couple massages or something. Sometimes while in corpse pose, I try to hold his hand . . . :-P
Also, since we moved in April, we now live in a new neighborhood that just begs to be explored on
foot and is super close to a Greenway walking trail. We walk several times a week, now. Food related, Matthew is doing the dishes
every day because he can't stand to see his shiny new kitchen look
dirty so I feel inspired to cook healthy homemade meals and make more messes. ;-)
So, I'm not going to give you any numbers like macro nutrients or BMI. I don't really want to know how much I weigh. Plus, doing the Whole 30 means I don't have to know! Ha ha! Considering I'm paleo already, the Whole 30 doesn't really change anything except limiting my sugar intake. So, I guess you could say I'm going on a sugar cleanse. Since I'm an emotional eater and addicted to sugar, this is the best thing for me right now.
At least I'm sleeping well. We've been sleeping with the windows open and the breeze and bird song are the best stress relief. So even though I'm celebrating the warm weather with cocktails with friends more than I should and indulging in Coconut Bliss ice cream (it's available in walking distance!) more than I should, I've actually never been happier. Life is funny, that way.
In addition to the sugar cleanse, I've been sprinting a couple times a week. I gave up on jogging a long time ago but sprinting is so refreshing and is over much faster. :-)
I'll be back with another health update in September or so to let you know how all of this goes. I'm off work for 8 weeks and I'm hoping that's enough time to make real lifestyle changes that stick.
If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, my advice to you is this: Try one thing at a time. Real change is slow. For example, I've decided not to commit to the real Whole 30 because reading ingredient labels for every single condiment is too much hassle for me right now. As long as they don't include any of my major triggers (ie: gluten), I'm okay with it. The most important thing is that I choose a plan I can stick to and feel happy with.
I wish you well.
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